Mentored Core Sprint

Date: Thursday, 12 February
Time: 09:00-18:00

Come help with core! Plenty of mentors will be available to help you get started. If you're not sure where to start contributing, or not even sure about the whole sprint thing, this is for you! One of our many sprints, this sprint mentored sprint also includes an optional workshop to help you set up tools like IRC, git, and a Drupal 8 development environment.

The "Mentored Core Sprint" has been held at DrupalCon since Sydney 2013 and at many local and regional Drupal events.

Why come

If you're like most Drupal developers, you've been telling yourself for months that you should start contributing to Drupal core. This sprint is your chance to get started with in-person training and mentoring from friendly, experienced core contributors. If you've already started to work on core, come meet other contributors, hang out in person, and work on manageable tasks in the Drupal core queue. The goal is to help you help with core.

Who it's for

This sprint is intended for first-time contributors and anyone with Drupal site building experience to learn how to contribute to Drupal core. Our mentors will help match tasks suitable for programmers and non-programmers alike.

What to expect

We'll kick things off with a brief introduction, and then we'll help match people with issues that are right for their skill levels and areas of interest. Free training is also provided to help new contributors set up a development environment and learn about the contribution process.

What to bring

  1. An interest in Drupal contribution
  2. A laptop with a Drupal 8 development environment

How to get set up

Don't have your development environment yet? No problem! Come to the First Time Sprinter Workshop on Thursday.

Setting up a Drupal 8 environment

You're also encouraged to set up your Drupal 8 development environment on your own if you prefer.
Here's what you'll need:

  1. An account on
  2. Dreditor, a browser plugin for Firefox and Chrome.
  3. And local tools.
    Two options for setting up local tools:

Also recommended


Who you'll meet

Sprint leads

Sprint mentors and trainers

Byron Herrera (silenceway), Novella Chiechi (italiatina), Osvaldo Villarroel Marañon (vacho), Josef Dabernig (dasjo), Cathy Theys (YesCT), Fernando Paredes Garcia (develCuy), Andres Yajamin (andrefy), Mauricio Dinarte (dinarcon), Luis Eduardo Telaya Escobedo (edutrul), Joaquin Bravo Contreras (jackbravo), Alina Mackenzie (alimac), Jared Smith (jaredsmith), Hussain Abbas (hussainweb)

Want to help mentor?

Are you already familiar with setting up a development environment or with the core contribution process? Want to help other contributors? We need lots of mentors to work with our first-time contributors.
Sign up to help