2nd Jan

Regular Ticket Pricing Is Ending

If you’re planning on going to DrupalCon Latin America, make sure you get registered as soon as possible. The tickets for DrupalCon Latin America shift from regular pricing to late pricing tonight, so don't delay!

We couldn’t be more excited to gather together with the Drupal community in Bogota to build valuable new connections within the project. Whether you’re a relative newcomer to Drupal or you’re a master of modules, DrupalCon Latin America’s intimate setting will make it invaluable for people and businesses interested in learning and networking within the community.

DrupalCon Latin America will be keynoted by Dries on Tuesday morning, as usual, and by Larry Garfield (crell) on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday will be dedicated to sprinting, so if your aim is to learn about Drupal, make valuable business connections with the brilliantly talented Drupal community in Bogota, and network with the best people around, make sure you get your tickets today!

Get Your Tickets Now

Image courtesy of b r e n t on Flickr.