Doing Open Data with Drupal: The DKAN Distro


Governments, NGOs and companies worldwide are managing and publishing open data online to increase transparency, improve efficiency, and to catalyze new startup companies building businesses around open data.. However, until recently, few were using Drupal to do it. In this session we'll review the challenges and opportunities of using a CMS to manage data. We'll also introduce DKAN-- the Drupal distro for data publishing, which is being adopted by governments worldwide, ranging from Russia to the USA to right here in Bogata. For Drupal generally, DKAN also provides an opportunity to expand the range of key enterprise functionality for which governments count on Drupal from content and community management, to the vast new universe of data management.

Come to this session to learn about:

* how to use Drupal as a data management system (DMS),

* the requirements of government open data programs,

* how governments in Latin America are using DKAN to meet their open data requirements

* the architecture of DKAN

* how you can get involved with DKAN and contribute to its growth and adoption

Schedule info
Drupal Business
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 7.x