Learn All The (Front End) Tools!


Composer. Twig. Bootstrap. Bower. Grunt. Behat. Selenium. When it comes to front-end tools there seems to be an endless array of funky names. But what to all these tools do? Do I need to know all of them, or just a select few? How can I integrate them into my development workflow?

In this session I will give an overview of a number of front-end tools. Specifically:

  • What does it do?
  • Why would I want to use it?
  • How to install or integrate it into my project?
  • OK, but how does it relate to Drupal?
  • And finally, much like pairing wine and cheese, which other tools does it work best with?

The goal is to showcase each tool and place it within Drupal context. My inspiration is a slide from Marc Drummond's presentation Building a Drupal 8 Theme with new-fangled awesomeness (slide 6: Are any of these things unfamiliar?). I will pick a number of tools from that list to give a solid overview along with use cases.

Schedule info
Experience level: 
Drupal Version: 
Drupal 8.x