Author and maintainer of modules Simple Bookmarklet, MailDigest, CSS Editor, Demo Tour and Behat UI. I'm also a maintainer of Views AutoRefresh and collaborate with some other modules (like OG Subgroups) and Drupal core. I'm one of the developers of Checkdesk, a liveblogging tool for journalists written in Drupal 7.
I've presented academic papers and also technical talks at many events in the last 6 years... some examples include: DrupalDay 2014 (São Paulo - Brazil), SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images 2013 (Arequipa - Peru), WebMedia 2012 (São Paulo - Brazil), International Free Software Workshop 2012 (Porto Alegre - Brazil), W3C Web Conference 2011 (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil), DebianDay 2011 (Salvador - Brazil), Free Software International Forum 2010, 2012 and 2013 (Porto Alegre - Brazil), MoodleMoot 2008 (São Paulo - Brazil), and many others.