Registration for DrupalCon Latin America is Open
Have you been compulsively checking the cost of airfare to Latin America? Do you keep the weather in Bogota bookmarked? For all of you who are as excited as we are for DrupalCon Latin America, we’ve got big news: we’re thrilled to announce that registration is open for tickets to DrupalCon Latin America!
Starting today and lasting through December 12, tickets to attend DrupalCon Latin America are available at the earlybird rate of $260 USD. Each ticket includes full access to the conference and exhibit hall from Tuesday, February 10 to Thursday, February 12, access to the contribution sprint on Thursday, complimentary refreshment at daily coffee breaks and lunches, and, of course, a DrupalCon Latin America t-shirt and swag bag.
Of course, you don’t have to take our word for the fact that DrupalCon Latin America is going to be fantastic — our list of accepted sessions is up and ready for you to drool over. We’ve got a great lineup for our DrupalCon Latin America attendees and we couldn’t be more excited.
DrupalCon Latin America is unique in many ways: it’s our first official DrupalCon in Latin America, and it’s the first DrupalCon in a long while where the convention and the hotel are the same building. Make sure you minimize your morning commute to the convention by booking a room in the official DrupalCon hotel block!
One of the best things about DrupalCon Latin America is how our passionate community consistently comes together to build the convention into something great. If you want to get involved helping make DrupalCon Latin America a fantastic experience, help us spread the word — the more attendees we have, the better it’ll be! For companies wanting to make a difference, consider becoming a sponsor to get your name in lights in front of some of the freshest talent in Drupal.
La pagina para compra no funciona
Por favor revisar la pagina de compra no funciona necesitamos comprar 3 entradas
Hola German, estamos
Hola German, estamos revisando, gracias por la información.
Hola German, Hemos
Hola German, Hemos solucionado el problema con el carro de compras, ¡ya puedes comprar tus tickets con descuento!
Se realizo el pago pero la orden sigue pendiente
Se realizo el pago pero sigue pendiente en la orden y no llego ningún correo de confirmación de mismo de PayU o del DrupalConf.
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