22nd Oct

Training Options at DrupalCon Latin America

The passion and excitement of the Drupal community never ceases to amaze us. Recently, several community members started a conversation around the lack of training courses at DrupalCon Latin America. Typically, training courses are offered for a fee the Monday of DrupalCon. However, when considering the high cost of meals, venue space, internet and A/V at the DrupalCon Latin America venue, we determined we will not be able to host training courses at a reasonable price for training attendees.

2nd Oct

We’ve Extended the Deadline for Session Submissions

We’ve received a lot of great sessions so far, so call us greedy: we just want to make DrupalCon Bogota the best event it can possibly be. So we’re extending the deadline.

We want you to share your knowledge with the best and brightest rising stars in our community at DrupalCon Bogota this February. Session submissions are being extended by a week: you can now submit your great ideas until 11:59 PM local time on Friday, October 10.

We’re searching for top-notch sessions on the following subjects:

9th Sep

DrupalCon Latin America - submit your session

Help us make DrupalCon Latin America an experience to remember! The Latin values of family, friends, fun, and sharing are closely aligned with those of the Drupal Community, and we hope that our session lineup for DrupalCon Latin America will reflect that spirit of community.

To that end, we need your help. We’re looking for sessions that fall in our usual tracks, from core to front end to DevOps and more. While we’re accepting submissions in both English and Spanish, English is the official language of Drupal, and as such is the preferred language for DrupalCon Latin America sessions.

